ArtVirtualy™— Real Art in a Virtual World.

ArtVirtualy™ helps artists, galleries and art fairs to seamlessly show and sell art to a global audience by offering an engaging, interactive 3D experience for collectors, art world professionals and art lovers.

Immersive 3D Gallery

Completely intuitive and easy to navigate, even for those less fluent in technology, the ArtVirtualy platform is elegantly next level. Much more engaging than the format of conventional online art exhibitions, ArtVirtualy recreates a familiar immersive 3D gallery experience. Rather than presenting images on flat web pages, the platform invites the viewer into a virtual gallery space, to meander as if present in the room, simulating a customized tour of an exhibition. Even more exciting, ArtVirtualy allows the viewer to approach selected individual artworks close-up, providing a sense of texture, detail and dimension as well as artist insights.

Global Reach

Unrestricted by geographic constraints, the ArtVirtualy platform allows artists, galleries and art institutions to seamlessly show and sell art to a global audience, without necessarily having to incur the high overhead costs of mounting exhibitions in a brick and mortar space. Easily accessible by computer, tablet or mobile phone, art lovers, professionals and collectors can view exhibitions from virtually anywhere. Particularly opportune during unprecedented circumstances like the worldwide pandemic, ArtVirtualy provides a convenient way to connect with a global audience 24/7, 365 days a year.


While seeing art on a computer or mobile device cannot replace the real-life experience, ArtVirtualy offers an excellent simulation for those who cannot attend in person, especially during a time when art spaces are closed or only open during restricted hours at limited capacity.

ArtVirtualy is also a valuable tool for galleries and art fairs that wish to enhance and expand the exposure of actual exhibitions physically installed in a brick and mortar space. The platform provides an engaging way to virtually show art in situ to prospective viewers and collectors both locally and around the globe.

Value-Added Features

Audio Insights

Adapted from the concept of museum audio tours, ArtVirtualy™ offers online gallery visitors the unique opportunity to listen to audio clips of featured artists, curators or gallery directors speaking about individual works presented in an exhibition, enriching the experience even more.

Real-time Chats

Visitors on the ArtVirtualy™ platform can chat online with artists or gallery personnel in real time when available, speak with them live, or leave messages, all in a convenient streamlined process right on the screen. Using familiar tools such as Zoom, Facebook Live, Instagram Live and Chat, viewers are able to connect with gallery personnel in real time, almost as if they were right there.


Similar to visiting a brick and mortar gallery, ArtVirtualy™ allows the online visitor to communicate in real time with gallery personnel, make an inquiry about specific artworks, put an artwork on hold or purchase art directly in a safe, seamless, convenient process.


Gallery Layouts

You have the opportunity to choose from six different gallery layouts to suite your style.

Coming Soon...

Following its launch, ArtVirtualy will be integrating additional technologies – such as artificial intelligence and augmented reality – into the platform, continuing to enhance the viewing experience.

Imagine being able to scan your screen with your smartphone so you can preview how an artwork would look on the wall of your home or workspace. This pioneering technology will soon be possible through ArtVirtualy.

Schedule a Call!

If you are an artist or exhibitor of art, and would like more information or a tour of the ArtVirtualy™ state-of-the-Art online gallery platform, please click here to schedule a call.